

I'm a business in Rotherham - how can I get involved?

In 2025, Rotherham will become the world's first Children's Capital of Culture, and we will celebrate with a 365-day festival of art, culture, and creativity designed by 0-to-25 year olds.

It will showcase Rotherham like never before, helping to boost the local economy, encourage investment and create opportunities. It will also result in a more skilled workforce for the future due to the life-changing training and opportunities it will provide, helping to improve the life chances of young people across the borough.

We want businesses like yours to help us raise awareness of this exciting borough-wide initiative, and make Rotherham a place we're all proud to call home.

Watch our video to see how other businesses have benefitted from supporting Children's Capital of Culture, and to find out more about how we have already provided over 55 young people aged 16-to-25 with paid traineeships at some of our borough's leading creative and cultural organisations. They organised nine large-scale events that took place at sites across Rotherham, helping to develop their skills, experience, and career aspirations, whilst providing thousands of other young people with an opportunity to explore their own creative potential.

Creativity is essential for all businesses across all sectors, and we would love you to join the more than 100 businesses and organisations who have already signed up to get involved.

Right now, you can get involved by registering your interest in supporting Children's Capital of Culture, and downloading and sharing the branded assets below.

You can also tell your employees and colleagues about Children's Capital of Culture, mention it to other business leaders, and think about ways you could help support young people across the borough over the next few years. This might include taking on work experience students, creating an apprenticeship, or holding careers events. We'd love to discuss ideas and opportunities with you.

We're also working on developing a range of business support and sponsorship packages, which we'll share as soon as they're ready.

Flying bee

Spread the word

Download the branded web banner badge below and include it on your website's homepage to demonstrate your support for Children's Capital of Culture.

You can also download the branded email footer and include it in your email signature, to help make sure everyone knows you and your business support Children's Capital of Culture.

Hover over the image you need and right-click to save the image to your device.

Web Badges

Web badge one black svg

Web badge one black
Format: svg

Web badge one white svg

Web badge one white
Format: svg

Web badge one yellow svg

Web badge one yellow
Format: svg

Web badge two black svg

Web badge two black
Format: svg

Web badge two white svg

Web badge two white
Format: svg

Web badge two yellow svg

Web badge two yellow
Format: svg

Web badge one large black png

Web badge one large black
Format: png

Web badge one large white png

Web badge one large white
Format: png

Web badge one large yellow png

Web badge one large yellow
Format: png

Web badge two large black png

Web badge two large black
Format: png

Web badge two large white png

Web badge two large white
Format: png

Web badge two large yellow png

Web badge two large yellow
Format: png

Web badge one small black png

Web badge one small black
Format: png

Web badge one small white png

Web badge one small white
Format: png

Web badge one small yellow png

Web badge one small yellow
Format: png

Web badge two small black png

Web badge two small black
Format: png

Web badge two small white png

Web badge two small white
Format: png

Web badge two small yellow png

Web badge two small yellow
Format: png

Email Footers

Email footer one large png

Email footer one large
Format: png

Email footer two large png

Email footer two large
Format: png

Email footer three large png

Email footer three large
Format: png

Email footer four large png

Email footer four large
Format: png

Email footer one small png

Email footer one small
Format: png

Email footer two small png

Email footer two small
Format: png

Email footer three small png

Email footer three small
Format: png

Email footer four small png

Email footer four small
Format: png

Register your interest

Register your interest by filling in this form. We will be in touch about other ways you can support Children's Capital of Culture between now and 2025.

Sign up to receive business updates about Children's Capital of Culture

* indicates required