
About us

Magnifying glass with eye

The story so far

Children's Capital of Culture 2025 is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Rotherham to celebrate its young people and their creativity.

The journey to 2025 has already begun, with young people from across the borough getting involved in planning and shaping the events and activities that will take place.

Find out more

Meet the team

The Children's Capital of Culture team is made up of passionate and dedicated people who are committed to making Rotherham a more creative and inclusive place.

We work with young people, artists, businesses, and community organizations to create a year of events and activities that everyone can enjoy.

Meet the team

Hand holding flower

Meet our ambassadors

The Children's Capital of Culture team is made up of passionate and dedicated people who are committed to making Rotherham a more creative and inclusive place.

We work with young people, artists, businesses, and community organizations to create a year of events and activities that everyone can enjoy.

Meet our ambassadors



Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Children's Capital of Culture 2025.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Flying bees